Book: Musings, Memories, Matrimony and More… (digital download only)


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Musings, Memories, Matrimony and more…, by Carol A. Anderson begins, “In 2007 I signed up for a writing class at a local coffeehouse. I’d learned the teacher who was offering a “memoir writing course” had a gentle manner and didn’t intimidate her students by correcting their work with a red pen. I hadn’t planned to write my memoirs; certainly my life has been all too ordinary to make an interesting book. A chapter or two, perhaps, but write an entire book? But, I did have an immediate goal—I wanted to put on paper thoughts about my brother who’d just passed away.”

In Musings, Memories, Matrimony and more… Carol writes about time.

  • “As a youngster, growing up in Northern Wisconsin, I could hardly wait to have my sixth birthday so I’d be eligible to be a first grader. Oh, how slowly time moved until I was six.
  • Growing up, the summer vacations lasted forever. I could hardly wait for the time August, when school would begin again.
  • Our move to Iowa found time faster. During the high school years I babysat, worked at after-school jobs, had more friends, and began to date.
  • Next came college, marriage and within the year, I was a mother. Time took on new meaning as I tried to find time a nap, time take the baby for a walk, time to make dinner, time to do laundry and who knows what else.
  • By the time I was thirty years old I was mother of four, living in Madison, Wisconsin. Finding time for each, taking them to activities, teaching them skills, reading to them, listening to them, plus finding time to run a household and scheduling time to complete my college coursework found me one very tired mother at the end of the day.
  • Career days, joining the workforce meant finding a “balance of time” in my life. Our children were leaving the nest and our parent’s changing needs required more of the time in our lives when we supposedly have more time. In essence, there’s some truth to the statement, but I find a certain urgency about time as I age. How much time do I have left on this earth to accomplish the goals I’ve set for myself? I suppose I’ll find out, like everyone else, as I “take one day at a time.”






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